

在这个充满科技的快节奏世界里, 会议, 在远程工作中,代码行往往占据中心位置, 自信沟通的话题似乎是多余的. However, it's a crucial skill that can make or break a developer's career. This blog dives into the significance of confident communication for developers (as well as for everyone else reading!) and why mastering this skill is essential in today's professional landscape.

非常感谢iO Associates经验丰富的招聘人员 亚伦格林 感谢他在 DDD西南; the information provided below is based upon his excellent talk.


Confidence plays a significant role in communication comments Aaron. It's not just about self-belief; it's also about inspiring trust in others. 自信使开发人员能够有效地传达他们的想法, 无论是推销一个项目, 面试工作, 或者与同事合作. Understanding the difference between internal (self-belief) and external (perception and influences) confidence is key to building effective communication skills.

在生活的各个方面,第一印象都很重要, 在科技行业也是如此, 沟通可能并不总是开发人员的强项, 他们可能特别有影响力. Research shows that individuals tend to subconsciously label others upon first encounters, 形成难以动摇的印象. 个人背景和经历等因素, 包括社交上的不适或焦虑, can influence these initial perceptions which can hinder the creation of trusting relationships and stunt confidence growth.

Effective communication goes beyond words—it requires an understanding of social cues and the ability to adapt behaviour accordingly. 这个过程, 被称为社会校准, is essential for navigating various social contexts and building rapport with others. 虽然这很有挑战性, 特别是对于自闭症患者, recognising and adjusting to social cues is a skill that can be honed with practice.

People with strong social calibration skills and confidence may often have themselves misconstrued as being arrogant, 但在现实中, 这是十大网博靠谱平台建立信任和信誉. Confident communication is essential for various aspects of a developer's career, 包括面试, 演讲, 以及团队合作. 通过投射自信, developers can create not only a huge amount of trust in their abilities but also in themselves and enhance their professional reputation.

To show the importance of communication, Aaron shared statistics in his talk. 以下是他的一些发现:

  • 70% of Global Employers believe communication is the most desirable skill for potential recruits.
  • 美国的一项研究抽样调查了12个,686 young men and women found that socially confident people can make $28,比那些不那么自信的同龄人每年多出1000英镑.
  • 72% of business leaders believe that effective communication has increased their team’s productivity.
  • 36% of employees in the US (UK likely similar) deal with high levels of stress due to people issues.

In 2024 LinkedIn performed its latest global inventory of in-demand skills for professionals –surveying the 1 billion members across 200 regions and countries. The result of that was an overwhelming feeling expressed by LinkedIn VP Aneesh Raman:

“People skills are going to come more to the centre of individual career growth”.


Whilst the term ‘fake it till you make it’ can be highly efficacious there are generally some excellent rules of thumb to stick to when making first impressions and dealing with social scenarios.

In discussing body language, Aaron highlights its significant role in creating confidence. Nonverbal cues, he explains, account for a substantial portion of human interaction. 无论是通过手势, 面部表情, 或姿势, 肢体语言可以传达自信, 开放, 或不安全感. By mastering these cues, you can enhance your presence and stature in social interactions.

除了肢体语言, Aaron also emphasised the importance of active listening and self-awareness in communication. 这些技能使个人能够与他人充分接触, 理解他们的观点, 然后深思熟虑地回应. Authenticity, he stresses, is vital as it can build trust and understanding.


But even whilst utilising your metaphorical social skills toolkit, 你有时会遇到社交挫折. Overcoming social failure is tough and requires resilience and a strong growth mindset. Failure is inevitable, but it can serve as a valuable learning experience. 把挫折重新定义为成长的机会, you can really create deep and genuine confidence and perseverance in the face of adversity. 即使你感到自卑, if you continuously improve your social skills by making small incremental changes over time, you will eventually realise just how confident you feel when facing others in person and not just over a screen.

So even when facing social difficulty, try to confront your fears and take calculated risks. Confidence, Aaron explains, is not about arrogance but about self-assurance with humility.

结束Aaron鼓舞人心的演讲, confident communication is a foundational skill for developers and professionals in all fields. 通过理解它的重要性, 掌握非语言暗示, 练习积极倾听和自我意识, 你可以在社会交往中建立信任和信誉. 与奉献, anyone can cultivate confidence and excel in their communication skills, as 亚伦格林 exemplifies through his insightful guidance and personal experience.

